Semi Truck Broadsides Car near Butterfield, MN

A semi truck was heading westbound on Watonwan County Road 10 and failed to stop at the stop sign. The semi collided with a Toyota Sienna. The 33-year-old wife and mother was seriously injured. Her husband, Brian was also injured. Amazingly, the 4 children in the car had no apparent injuries at the time of the crash. This does not mean they were not injured, however.

Our experience is that it can take weeks for soft tissue injuries to cause noticeable problems. In addition, these children, along with their parents, have suffered emotional distress, both from being hit by a large truck and being present when their mother was seriously injured. The entire family has claims against the truck driver, trucking company and probably others.

The semi truck ran the stop sign and broadsided the car at the intersection of County Road 5 and County Road 10, just south of Butterfield, MN, and west of the Turtle Marsh State Wildlife Management Area. Iowa.

Our law firm has offices in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and represents semi truck accident victims and their families throughout the United States in personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits against truck drivers, trucking companies and others. To get the best results in these cases, it is necessary to do an independent investigation to find out what the driver was doing at the time of the accident, the driver’s driving record, whether the trucking company violated any federal regulations (specific regulations for semi trucks and other commercial vehicles in interstate commerce). This semi truck driver was from Arizona. The car accident happened in Minnesota, and the people injured were from Iowa. The family’s lawsuit could be filed in any of these states, and possibly others.  It is critical to determine the best state in which to file the lawsuit. We don’t just advertise for these cases, we litigate them and win. Contact Fred and Eric here.

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