A man from Preston, Minnesota, was seriously injured when his car collided with a garbage truck just outside of Rochester.
Minnesota State Patrol Preliminary Report

A garbage truck was turning westbound onto Interstate 90 (I-90) from southbound Highway 52. At the same time, a Chevy Impala, driven by Brady Gartner was traveling northbound on Highway 52. The car and garbage truck collided, resulting in the serious injury of Mr. Gartner, a 24-year-old from Preston, Minnesota.
The road was dry.
Assisting on the scene were the Olmsted County Sheriff’s Office and Goldcross ambulance.
Right of Way and Broadside Accidents
In a broadside accident, one vehicle strikes the side of another vehicle. Determining which driver was at fault requires determining who had the right-of-way.
There are no lights at the ramps from Highway 52 onto I-90, nor is it a 4-way stop. The vehicles turning onto the I-90 westbound ramp from southbound Highway 52 do not at any time have the right of way. This means the driver of the garbage truck should have waited to turn onto the I-90 ramp until it was safe to do so. Failure to yield the right-of-way is illegal and the grounds for a civil lawsuit for compensation and justice.
If a garbage truck driver is at fault for a crash, a person injured in that crash may have personal injury claims against both the truck driver and the owner of the garbage truck.