Forty-five (45) cases of Salmonella Newport infection (salmonellosis) have been associated with eating at Chipotle restaurants in Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
Our law firm has filed a lawsuit against Chipotle for the 2015 Salmonella outbreak in Minnesota (read Complaint filed in the case). You can contact us at 612-338-0202 for a free consultation. Last week we filed another lawsuit in Minnesota on behalf of a child who contracted salmonellosis after eating at another chain restaurant.
All of the 45 cases have been reported to MDH since Wednesday, September 2.
There may be many more people sickened in this outbreak. Since many cases of salmonellosis do not seek health care and get tested, the number of ill people that are part of this outbreak is likely to be much higher than 45. Consequently, health officials want to bring this outbreak to the attention of people who have become ill with symptoms of salmonellosis but who have not yet consulted a health care provider.

It is very important for you to go to the doctor if you have symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning (diarrhea, cramps, fever, vomiting). Mention this outbreak to your doctor and make sure you are tested for a Salmonella infection. If you are diagnosed with Salmonella, further testing needs to be done to determine which serotype and to get a DNA fingerprint called a PFGE pattern. You need to do this to protect your legal rights. Please call our law firm at 612-338-0202 if you have any questions.
The 45 people with confirmed cases had this testing done.
According to MDH, testing done on Salmonella Newport bacteria obtained from sickened patients found that the bacteria have matching or very similar DNA fingerprints. Of the 34 people who have been interviewed to date, 32 ate or likely ate at 17 different Chipotle restaurant locations. Most of the restaurant locations are in the Twin Cities metro area, with one in St. Cloud and one in Rochester. Their meal dates range from Aug. 16 to Aug. 26 and they became ill between Aug. 20 and Aug. 29.
The Minnesota cases range in age from 15 to 67 years and are from eight metro and greater Minnesota counties; 56 percent are male. Five cases have been hospitalized.
The specific food item that made these people sick has not been determined yet, but MDH and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture suspect a produce item and are investigating further.
The Chipotle locations involved to date are the following: 7 Corners (Minneapolis), Bloomington, Calhoun, Crystal, Hopkins, Maple Grove, Maplewood, Minnetonka, Richfield, Ridgedale, Rochester, Shoreview, St. Cloud, St. Louis Park, St. Paul Lawson, Uptown, and US Bank Plaza (Minneapolis). However, it is possible that other locations in Minnesota could have been affected as well. At this time there is no indication that locations outside of Minnesota are involved.