14 Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist

Prescription errors happen frequently and can cause serious personal injury or wrongful death. Below are questions you can ask your pharmacist to help prevent prescription errors:

  1. What should the medication my doctor prescribed look like?
  2. Why should I take it?
  3. How much should I take and how often?
  4. Is there a best time to take it?
  5. How long will I need to take it?
  6. Are there potential side effects
  7. What should I do if they occur?
  8. What should I do if I miss a dose?
  9. Does this medication interact with my other medications or with any foods?
  10. Does this medication replace anything else I have been taking?
  11. Where and how should I store it?
  12. How soon should I start to feel better?
  13. When should I report back to my healthcare professional?
  14. Should I avoid any liquids, foods, other substances or activities while using this medicine?

Recently, lawsuits against pharmacists have successfully held them responsible for prescription errors. One of our pharmacist malpractice cases involved a compounding pharmacy that made the medication for an injection 10 times stronger than it should have been. Attorneys Fred Pritzker and Eric Hageman won over a million dollars for our clients in that case.

You can contact our medical malpractice lawyers and get your free consultation.

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Fred Pritzker