Our law firm helps families with bicycle accident wrongful death lawsuits. We help them get answers, compensation and justice. Our bicycle accident lawyers have obtained several settlements in excess of a million dollars on behalf of our clients.
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“I bike to work every day I can. I am personally aware of the dangers on the road, and that drivers just don’t look for bicyclists”Attorney Eric Hageman

Eric Hageman urges all motorists to watch for bicyclists, especially children. We stand with Transportation Commissioner Tom Sorel, who stated, “We want motorists to recognize bicyclists as people, not obstructions.”
One of our clients has designed a bumper sticker in memory of his wife, who was killed when she was hit by a semi-trailer-truck while riding her bicycle. According to the driver, he didn’t see her. For information on obtaining a LOOK bumper sticker, please email Jon Jon Sandberg at jon@outdoordesignllc.com.
A few years ago, we represented two families whose adult children had died in very similar ways. Both were riding their bicycles when they were hit and killed by a dump truck. Both collisions were on busy roads, and both drivers said they did not see the cyclists. One of the people who died, a young woman, was riding in a designated bike lane.
“The drivers of large trucks need to constantly be aware of their surroundings, and when they are on city streets, they need to assume that there are bicyclists on the road with them,” said Fred. “The deaths of these young people could have been prevented.”
One of the families we represented successfully lobbied for better signage to alert drivers to the bicycle traffic.
“It was inspiring to see a family suffering from unimaginable grief work so hard to prevent the same thing from happening to another family,” said Eric. “Helping people like this is what makes my job so satisfying.”
Eric Hageman is an avid cyclist and nationally-recognized bike injury lawyer. He has appeared on top news networks including CBS News, Fox News, KARE-TV, KSTP-TV, and WCCO-TV.
Bicycle accident death cases in Minnesota are governed by Minnesota Statutes, sec. 573.02, which provides families the right to sue if someone wrongfully kills someone.
For a free consultation with a Minnesota bicycle accident attorney, or e-bike accident attorney please call toll-free at 1-888-377-8900 or submit the free consultation form.