Listeriosis Complications

Listeriosis complications can cause permanent brain damage, and they are often fatal. Our lawyers are some of the few in the nation who have experience with these cases and have won obtained multimillion-dollar settlements for clients. Contact our Listeria lawyers using the form below.

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Pritzker Hageman Best Law Firm

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that there are 2500 incidents of listeriosis each year and 500 related deaths. In most of these cases, the illness and its complications were caused by food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. It is this pathogen that poisons the body, traveling from the intestines to other organs, including the brain. It is one of the most deadly food-borne pathogens.

The serious health risks include:

Listeriosis and Sepsis, Meningitis, and Encephalitis

In the most dangerous cases, an infection from L. monocytogenes may lead to sepsis (septicemia), meningitis (spinal infection and inflammation), or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). These are all life-threatening and pose the greatest risk for a young child, an elderly person, a pregnant woman, or a member of a group of people who have weak immune systems–such as cancer patients, AIDS sufferers, and people on medications such as prednisone and cortisone. These individuals are also more likely to die as a result of a L. monocytogenes infection.

Image of Brain
People sickened by Listeria can suffer permanent brain damage.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are most at risk. The mother may not have serious symptoms of Listeria, but there is a high risk of miscarriage, still birth and premature labor. An infant can be born with this illness.

You and your baby have legal rights and can sue the corporate wrongdoer for compensation.

Can I Sue for Listeriosis Food Poisoning and Its Complications?

Yes, you can sue for listeriosis food poisoning and its complications, such as meningitis, hydrocephalus and sepsis.

Attorneys Fred Pritzker and Eric Hageman are our lead lawyers for these cases. They have won millions for babies and adults poisoned by food and families with wrongful death claims. In one outbreak, they won a $6,450,000.00 settlement for their clients.

Your lawsuit will help you get:

  • compensation;
  • answers;
  • justice.
Fred Pritzker
Attorney Fred Pritzker

If you or someone in you family has eaten food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes and has developed septicemia (blood poisoning), meningitis (spinal infection and inflammation), or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), you may be feeling shocked an confused. You may have lost a loved one. You can call 1-888-377-8900 (toll free) to talk to a lawyer about your case. It’s free, and we have probably handled a case exactly like yours.